Program w wersji testowej można ściągnąć ze strony producenta po wypełnieniu formularza informacyjnego. Wersja testowa jest w pełni funkcjonalna ale działa tylko 30 dni.
Ściągnięty program rozpakowujemy w katalogu tymczasowym i wykonujemy z poziomu root’a program ./fsav-srv-4.63.4110. Dokona on samodzielnej instalacji wspomagając się zadawaniem nam pytań w kluczowych sprawach:
terminal-3-67:/usr/src/fsav-srv-4.63# ./fsav-srv-4.63.4110 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Servers installation Copyright (c) 1999-2004 F-Secure Corporation. All Rights Reserved. We will now ask you some questions regarding the installation of this product. A default value will be shown in square brackets after the question. To accept the default, just press enter. To install F-Secure Anti-Virus, enter the keycode you have received with your purchase or press enter to install evaluation version. keycode: Now unpacking files to /opt/f-secure/fsav... Created configuration file /etc/opt/f-secure/fsav//fsav.conf. Program executables are usually located in designated directories, which are listed in PATH environment variable. You can create symbolic link form /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/fsav to /usr/bin/ to achieve that. Would you like to create the symbolic link [yes]? Ok, link created. Manual pages are located in certain directories. You can have F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Servers manual pages in appropriate place by creating symbolic links. Would you like to create the symbolic links to /usr/share/man [yes]? Ok, link created. Ok, link created. Ok, link created. Ok, link created. Ok, link created. Ok, link created. F-Secure Anti-Virus automatic scan and update scheduler Copyright (c) 1999-2004 F-Secure Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This program will schedule automatic virus scans and updates of the F-Secure Anti-Virus virus database using the cron facility. We will now ask you some questions about running these processes. A default value will be shown in square brackets after the question. To accept the default, just press enter. Would you like to schedule an automatic database update [yes]? How often would you like updates to be performed (hourly/daily) [hourly]? Would you like to schedule an automatic virus scan [no]? Not scheduling an automatic virus scan. Succesfully scheduled a database update. If for some reason you wish to disable automatic runs, run the command crontab -e. This will bring up your current crontab in an editor. Then remove the following line from the file and save it: 38 * * * * /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/dbupdate Would you like to check for updates for this product now [yes]? F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux F-Secure Virus Description Database Update Copyright (c) 2002-2004 F-Secure Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Fetching update from F-Secure's web site to /var/opt/f-secure/fsav/update Updated database files in /var/opt/f-secure/fsav/update from F-Secure's web site. Validating /var/opt/f-secure/fsav/update Databases in /var/opt/f-secure/fsav/update are valid. Databases updated successfully. Would you like to run a virus scan now [no]? yes Please wait. The scan may take several minutes. F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Servers version 4.63 build 4110 Copyright (c) 1999-2004 F-Secure Corporation. All Rights Reserved. EVALUATION VERSION - FULLY FUNCTIONAL - FREE TO USE FOR 30 DAYS. To purchase license, please check Scan started at Sun May 15 07:16:06 2005 Database version: 2005-05-14_01 Scan ended at Sun May 15 09:13:39 2005 54054 files scanned 7 files infected 20 files suspected 850 files could not be scanned Installation completed successfully. Installation completed successfully. Please run "fsav --help" for usage instructions. The manual pages for fsav, fsavd, fsav.conf, fsavschedule and dbupdate are available using "man" command.