Linux: Bacula – bscan – przykład

[root@centos storage1]# bscan -v -m FileStorage_USBDisk2 -V  USB2Volume002
bscan: butil.c:281 Using device: "FileStorage_USBDisk2" for reading.
13-Jul 07:41 bscan JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "USB2Volume002" on device "FileStorage_USBDisk2" (/backups/bacula/storages/storage1).
bscan: bscan.c:308 Using Database: bacula, User: bacula
bscan: bscan.c:450 Pool record for File found in DB.
bscan: bscan.c:464 Pool type "Backup" is OK.
bscan: bscan.c:474 Media record for USB2Volume002 found in DB.
bscan: bscan.c:492 Media type "File" is OK.
bscan: bscan.c:502 VOL_LABEL: OK for Volume: USB2Volume002
bscan: bscan.c:520 SOS_LABEL: Found Job record for JobId: 6
13-Jul 07:43 bscan JobId 0: End of Volume at file 0 on device "FileStorage_USBDisk2" (/backups/bacula/storages/storage1), Volume "USB2Volume002"
bscan: bscan.c:337-6 ========== JobId=0 ========
bscan: bscan.c:337-6 ========== JobId=6 ========
bscan: bscan.c:342 Create JobMedia for Job BackupLaptopCzz60610.2010-07-13_06.12.01_12
bscan: bscan.c:966 Updated Media record at end of Volume: USB2Volume002
13-Jul 07:43 bscan JobId 0: End of all volumes.
bscan: bscan.c:966 Updated Media record at end of Volume: USB2Volume002
bscan: bscan.c:637 End of all Volumes. VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=50,084,965
Records would have been added or updated in the catalog:
1 Media
1 Pool
1 Job
397 File
[root@centos storage1]#